expand_less Devoted to [[Green Polyculture]] because one shade of green would be boring.
[[Conserve]]. [[Collaborate]]. [[Improve]]. [[Innovate]]. [[Simplify]]. [[Share]]. [[Respect]]. [[Work]]. [[Play]]. Green.
 Hold on. This is a stream of consciousness ride. Some enjoy that I work on several levels at the same time, while others find it rude / distracted. I unapolagetically offer this blog. Click on things that interest you and see where you wind up; it's like a choose your own adventure book #datedmyself. Non sequiturs abound. Sometimes, though, sarcasm masquerades as an out of place hastag or an oddly constructed phrase.
Technophobes TAKE NOTE: When you see an arrow pointing to the right, click on it to expand the card. And really... take the tutorial, here.

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 Contact: @lowellbellew