Water - GreenBiz Content

Is Water the next Carbon? - 45 minute video + article


John Davies, Vice-President GreenBiz Intelligence, Greener World Media

Al Halvorsen, Director of Environmental Sustainability, Frito-Lay

Michael Kobori, Vice President, Supply Chain Social and Environmental Sustainability, Levi Strauss & Co.

Jason Morrison, Director of the Pacific Institute's Economic Globalization and the Environment Program



Can You Make a Green Product in a Gray Company? Part 1 - 2008 podcast


How to Cash In on the Green Economy - 2008 podcast


The Benefits of Helping Businesses Rise with the Green Tide - 2007 podcast

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - 2007 PDF

Investors Get New Tool to Measure Companies' Water Risks - 2011 article: Ceres, WBCSD, IRRC, Irbaris --> Aqua Gauge

The Win-Win-Win Results of Making a 'WaterMatch' - 2011 article about CH2MHill program, Water Match

Why a Former GE CSO Is Taking the Plunge to a Water Startup - 2011 article - Banyan Water