Water - National Geographic April 2010 issue
"Water - Our Thirsty World" : Special Issue
p28: SODIS: Swiss-pioneered water-disinfection program uses bottles in the sun, yields fresh drinking water for 4M people, worldwide
p29: "Average number of gallons of water used each day for golf course irrigation in the U.S.: 2 Billion"
p30: CO rainwater collection (2,000 sqft roof area yields ~16,575 gallons / year)
p31: Desalination -- 97.5% Earth's water is salty; 1% of that is brackish groundwater -- 2.5% is fresh and 2/3 of that is frozen
p44 - Kingsolver feature
p54 - good outline of issue:
- Americans use about 100 gallons at home, daily. Millions of the world's poor subsist on <5 gallons.
- 46% of population do not have water piped to their homes. Women in developing countries walk avg. of 3.7 miles to get water*.
- In 15 years, 1.8 Billion people will live in regions of severe water scarcity.
*images p 96-101! story 102+
p55 - great image of selling water $.10 / bag in Angola
p66 - Himilayan glacier piece
p114-15 global map of cost of water: per 100 gallons:
- Denver: $0.53
- Denmark: $3.43
San Diego: $1.65 || New York: $0.80 || Berlin: $2.52 || Sao Paulo: $0.65 || Sydney: $1.61 || Beijing: $0.20 || Tokyo: $0.74 ||
Nairobi: $0.20 || Nice: $1.66 || Phoenix: $0.85
p128: Damn you, dams... Longest water tunnel, supplying NYC, 85 miles long and leaks 35M gallons / day
p130-131: great groundwater graphics re: US
p141 - Orange County Water District - 70M gallons / day recycled (143 great infographic)
p150 - Great recreation factoids -- US vacationers rank going to the beach or a lake as their favorite outdoor activity
p152 - meds as pollutants infographic
Advertisers of interest:
Sunchips || Pepsi - /water || Monsanto || Kohler - EPA WaterSense partner of the year 2008, 2009 || Delta - /greenfaucet
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