Water - Nonprofits in the space

Life Water ~ $60 for 1 person/year: Text $5 donation model

Charity Water - and a nifty short video from Charity Water about the nature of the problem 1 Billion+ people face ... or just go see all their videos. If at least one doesn't inspire you and not one brings a tear to your eye, you have no soul.

water.org - duh

WaterWise (UK-based)


Multistakeholder Groups:

World Water Council -- (World Water Forum)

The 2030 Water Resources Group (McKinsey-led)

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), an alliance of 64 governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations. Supports:

AquaFed, Ceres, European Water Partnership, Global Environmental Management Institute, IUCN, Stockholm International Water Institute, UN Water, Water Footprint Network, World Economic Forum and World Water Council.
Carbon Disclosure Project looking into water reporting
Alliance for Water Stewardship - looking into certification

Government Players:

Inernational Monetary Fund

World Bank

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) (Stockholm Water Symposium) (advises policy)

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Food and Agricultural Organization (United Nations)