XPrize for DWH Oil Spill Cleanup

I would like to create a grass-roots-funded alternative to the XPrize (http://www.xprize.org/) with the specific intention of funding a solution to the Deep Water Horizon crisis. Ideally, the attention drawn over the course of the $1MM fundraising effort will be used to leverage larger contributions from celebrities aligned with similar causes and corporations interested in supporting such efforts.


Although the XPrize Foundation recognizes the need for XPrizes in the environmental space, they have not yet created an XPrize for this purpose. This project is intended to fill this gap. From their site: "The X PRIZE Foundation is an educational nonprofit organization whose mission is to create radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity thereby inspiring the formation of new industries, jobs and the revitalization of markets that are currently stuck. Today, it is widely recognized as the leader in fostering innovation through competition."


I have submitted the project described, above, as a potential project for Kickstarter, a site designed to fund and follow creativity:


Please login here to leave your comments / suggestions on the project. Also, if you happen to know Edward Norton, Matt Damon, Peter Diamandis, Barack O'Bama, or others in a position to influence this project, please be in touch -- annonymity can be facilitated through signing up for an account on the Guerilla Green home page.