tools for Green Guerillas
Carshare - Boulder/Denver car share program - nonprofit! hooray for use over ownership!
Wolfram - the award for it could be really cool if they just fixed it; ostensibly answers more complex questions than the google
The Darwinator - this thing looks awesome. Haven't done much with it, yet...
Sourcemaps - Create awesome maps. Yayyyy, maps! *heelclick* great for supply chain visualization
The App Builder - Will include in the apps ideas section - currently behind the member wall. Claims to be an app-building for dummies.
Google Moderator - This is the reason I finally got around to doing this: to dig up gems! Check it.
Wordle - build & customize word clouds with RSS or Text
Infographics and Data Visualization - just the essentials
Chart porn - #trending
Patent2PDF - exactly what it sounds like (not how it reads: yuk.)